How To Start a Successful Blog: The Complete Guide

Starting a blog may seem like an easy task, but to do it correctly and become a successful blogger, you should have a lot of information ready. You can cover anything from food recipes to fashion tips to sports news. Setting up your blog, choosing a topic, and eventually monetizing it, are all big tasks you should prepare for before doing it.

This article will show you everything you need to know to start your blogging journey. Consider it a step-by-step guide, from how to create your blog so it’s search engine friendly, what blogging tools you should have to make things easier, how to structure your content, and monetization.

Choosing Your Niche

How Do I Choose a Blog Topic and Theme?

Choosing a topic for your blog is possibly the most important thing you can do. Whether you want to blog about politics, fashion, sports news, or anything else under the sun is up to you. However, specific topics are more popular than others in terms of getting readership and sponsorship deals.

General advice when choosing a topic is to select something that interests you enough so that you have no regrets writing about it every day for months on end. Topical niches for blogs include:

  • Fashion 
  • Beauty
  • Fitness/health
  • Food 
  • Parenting/activities for kids

Writing about what you know (or like) will make things easier overall. Some bloggers choose broad topics, while others like to narrow things down. It is important to consider that some niches are more profitable than others if you plan to monetize your blog down the road. 

Choosing a name can be one of the most difficult parts of blogging. It’s nice to think about the name as having the ability to brand your blog and provide a focus for potential readers, i.e., they should know what your blog is about just from hearing the name.

Potential names should be checked on search engines, social media sites, and Namecheap or GoDaddy if you want to buy a related domain name. While it’s not always possible to have a .com, it is preferred by most people, so keep that in mind when choosing a name.

Which Blog Topics Make Money? 

There are many types of blogs that make money, but generally, blogs with strong visuals and a defined niche tend to do the best. 

The types of blogs that make the most money are those that speak to a very specific audience. Niche-specific blogs usually do the best, but broad topics will also work if they are popular.

Here are some types of blogs and their niches:

  • Cooking & Recipes – For people who love cooking and experimenting in the kitchen, this is an excellent source for finding new dishes to make at home. These types of blogs can be extremely popular.
  • Lifestyle – These blogs often focus on fashion and beauty, but they also may include culture, fitness, celebrities, food, and drinks, or travel information (which can come in handy if you’re hoping to monetize your blog).
  • Men’s Fashion –  If you are interested in keeping up to date with the latest fashion trends for men, finding a more specific niche within this topic is for you.
  • Women’s Fashion – From workout clothes to formal attire, women who love fashion can find everything they need on these blogs.
  • Technology & Gadgets – These sites are great if you want to learn about laptops, smartphones, tablets, and other tech products people use every day. They’re also a good resource if you’re going to monetize your blog through affiliate links because there are often coupons or deals available for buying new tech products online.

Consider Who Your Audience Is

Think about who you’re writing the blog for and what type of information they would be looking for. If you have a specific industry or niche, remember that as well as making sure to tailor your posts. Niche topics should be relatively easy to develop as long as there’s an interest in them from others on social media sites, Google searches, and other blogs. 

For those creating a more general blog, never underestimate the value of doers – people that aren’t necessarily into blogging themselves but still enjoy reading about something that can help them accomplish their goals or learn something new.

Define Your Blog’s Tone

While some bloggers write differently depending on their audience, many create a tone that can stay consistent throughout all types of readership. A lot of this has to do with your blog’s topic and the amount of personality you want to put into it. Are you trying to be funny? Serious? A little bit of both? 

No matter what, always be yourself. Trying to be someone you’re not will only show in your writing and will likely turn readers away.

How To Set Up a Hosting Service and Domain?

Once you have your chosen blog name, the next step is to set up a hosting service and register a domain. A hosting service is where your blog’s content will live on the internet, and a domain is your personal address on the web (e.g., 

Hosting services for your blog can be found for free, such as or Blogger, or you can purchase a hosting plan through companies like Bluehost, SiteGround, and WordPress. The cost of a hosting service will vary depending on the company you choose and the features you want. 

To register your domain name, you’ll need to provide some personal information (like your name and address) and payment information. You can buy domains from Namecheap, GoDaddy, or any other domain registrar.

Blog Design

How Do I Create Content for a Blog?

Once you have set up your hosting service and registered your domain name, it’s time to create your blog! This process will vary depending on the platform you choose, but most likely, you will be given the option to create a blog post, add widgets and customize your theme.

Depending on your niche topic, you’ll want to create content like long-form posts, short-form posts, product guides, lists, and more. You need to commit to creating new content on a regular basis, according to your goals. 

Widgets are small pieces of code that allow you to add features like social media icons, recent posts, or a search bar to your blog. Themes are the design of your blog and can be customized by changing the colors, fonts, and layout.

Tips for Outlining Your Blog Content

If you’re just starting out, you’ll more than likely be writing your own content. Sometimes an idea will just come to you, but often you need to take time to brainstorm your ideas into a detailed outline.

Research an Effective Title

It’s critical to include the core points you’ll cover in your blog article’s outline. This implies that each point should only address one specific topic or concept, and it should not go into any more detail than is required.

To choose an effective title for your blog post, research similar articles ranking high on search engines. To do this, plug your topic into Google’s Keyword Planner and use the search volume function to see how many times per month people are searching for that term or phrase on Google Search.

Know that you should avoid selecting a phrase that is too general since it will be impossible for visitors to know what they may anticipate from clicking on the link. If you have any concerns about whether a concept would make a good post, consider similar blog entries and compare them with yours before settling on a title to save time later in writing out the body material!

Do Keyword Research

Although this should be done while researching your title, it’s also critical while writing the article. You’ll want to research two categories of keywords when optimizing your title and blog post:

  • Long-tail keywords: These are highly specific and often very long phrases that describe your topic in detail. 
  • Short tail keywords: These keywords tend to be more generic words related to your niche, which can help readers get a better idea of what the page is about even if they don’t click through.

After you’ve accumulated some good keyword suggestions for both varieties of terms, take notes or make a list where you may quickly access them when it’s time to start writing.

Rough Outline Your Post Content

After you’ve figured out how many pieces you’ll publish, start with a basic structure that includes an opening paragraph and three points you want to discuss. Make use of multiple headings and subheadings in your content.

As far as an intro, a simple lead-in is best. No need for novel summaries here! Just give the reader enough information to understand what you’re going to write about, so they don’t have to read through all of your examples/data before getting into the good stuff.

Being too vague can leave readers confused or bored, give them a reason to continue reading and make it clear why they’ll benefit from reading the entire blog post.

Properly Format Your Headings

Your headings should be formatted as proper H-tags (Header tags). Heading tags include:

  • Title
  • Heading 1
  • Heading 2
  • Heading 3
  • Heading 4

Your blog’s primary points should be Heading 2’s, and the supporting evidence should be Heading 3’s. Titles and Heading 1 are interchangeable, as are Heading 4’s, which can be utilized from time to time to break down your supporting information further. The rest of the material should be formatted in a typical way.

Make it Easy to Read With Bulleted Lists and Numbered List Items

Every good blog post has at least one list item, whether a bulleted list or numbered list. These lists: 

  • Help break up long chunks of text into more manageable pieces. 
  • Help to guide the reader and keep them on track!

A blog post should never be one huge block of words – it will look messy and unprofessional. You want to make your copy easy on the eyes. Numbers and bullets will help your readers follow along with your ideas more easily. They’ll be able to scan down a bulleted/numbered list much faster than reading long paragraphs of text. 

Include Links to Your Examples and Data

It’s critical to include all of your research details in the blog post. It demonstrates that you did your homework, and it’s more likely to be shared if readers can see the facts for themselves. If at all feasible, include direct links from where you obtained your examples/data so that people don’t have to go looking far for them.

Interlinks and anchor text are a great way to add more context and keywords for search engines. 

How To Write a New Blog Post & Publish It

Writing your new blog post is the fun part, and there are a few different ways to do it. You can use a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress, Tumblr, or Blogger. These make it easy to add new posts and also include features like comments, widgets, and social media sharing buttons.

No matter which method you choose, you can generally follow these steps to publish your post:

  1. Write your post in a text editor or word processor
  2. Save it as a file with a .html or .txt extension
  3. Upload it to your blog’s server
  4. Copy the post’s URL and share it with the world

That’s it! You’ve created a blog post. Now let’s take a look at some of the more advanced features you can add to make your posts more interesting and engaging.

Search Engine Optimization

Optimize Your Blog for Search Engines

One of the best things about blogging is that you can reach a global audience with your content. But to do that, you need to make sure your blog is optimized for search engines so it can be found by people looking for information on specific topics.

The first step is to track your content through Google Analytics. Through Google Analytics you’ll be able to first understand what your most popular content is, how long people are spending looking at your content, where your audience is coming from and they’re geographical location. Connecting Google Analytics will help you set up tracking to give you the information you need to make informed decisions about how to grow your blog.

There are a number of things you can do to improve your blog’s visibility and ranking, but the most important is to include keywords and phrases in your posts that people are likely to search for. You can find keywords and phrases by using Google AdWords Keyword Planner or other keyword research tools.

Once you’ve identified some relevant keywords, incorporate them into your post titles, subtitles, and body text. You don’t want to overdo it, though, or your posts will sound forced and unnatural.

Another critical factor in optimizing your blog for search engines is the use of images and other multimedia. Include keyword-rich titles and captions for your images, and add relevant tags to your videos and audio files.

How Do I Promote and Monetize My Blog?

Once you’ve established an audience for your personal blog, several methods exist for promoting and monetizing it. 

Paid advertising platforms like Google AdWords can help you to increase traffic to your blog by targeting specific keywords and phrases related to your content. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter can also be used to promote your blog and email marketing platforms like Mailchimp.

Some ideas for organic blog promotion include:

  • Establish yourself as an expert in the field of your choice
  • Connect with other professionals
  • Market online offerings such as products or services
  • Boost website traffic
  • Build loyal followers
  • Interact with customers via comments on posts or social media responses.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when starting a blog is to make sure that you create interesting, engaging, and useful content for your audience. This means thinking about what your target readership wants to know and providing them with valuable information in a way that is easy to understand and follow.

When creating your posts, be sure to use strong keywords and phrases related to your topic in the title, as well as throughout the body of the post, to help improve your blog’s search engine ranking. You may also want to consider using images, infographics, or videos in your posts to break up the text and add visual interest.

Promoting Your Blog

Promotion is key to getting your blog off the ground. Once you have a few posts up, start promoting your blog on social media, email marketing, and other websites and blogs related to your topic. You can also use tools like Google AdWords and Facebook Ads to help get your blog in front of more people.

Here are a few additional tips for starting and promoting a successful blog:

  • Think about what makes you unique and focus on sharing your personal perspective or story with your readers.
  • Be consistent with posting new content and building a regular audience.
  • Make use of SEO techniques to help improve your blog’s visibility online.
  • Engage with your readers by responding to comments and questions.
  • Use tools like Google Analytics and other analytics programs to help you track your blog’s performance.

Set Up Your Email List

Create an email list sign-up form on your blog, for example, in a sidebar or in the footer. Use this to send readers notifications about when you’re launching new content. Also, use it to share special offers with them like discounts, freebies, and exclusive previews of upcoming posts.

Email subscribers and email lists are important because they give you direct access to your readers via email updates. You can also build up good will by offering something valuable in return for their contact details (e.g., access to free chapters of your ebook). 

There are a number of email marketing platforms you can use including Hubspot and MailChimp. MailChimp is an easy-to-use easy-to-use system that allows you to easily create sign-up forms that can be placed on your website or blog. From there you want to focus on building email subscribers as this will lead to regular engagement with your blog content. The more email subscribers you have the more valuable your blog will become.

Engage With Your Audience

Share your blog posts on social media, but don’t go completely overboard with self-promotion. Instead, make sure to listen to what people are saying about you on social media and engage with them. Make the content you share interesting by sharing articles related to yours or linking out to quality content that may also interest your readers.

Include a Contact page on your blog for people to reach out to you. It doesn’t need to be to complex, include your email address, links to social media accounts and maybe your location if it’s relevant to your blog content.

Ways to Monetize Your Blog

Monetizing your blog can be a great way to make some extra cash, but it’s essential to do it the right way. Here are a few ways to monetize your blog:

  • Affiliate marketing – This is a great way to make money by recommending products and services to your readers with affiliate programs. You get paid when someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase.
  • Sponsored posts – This is a common way for bloggers to make money. Companies will pay you to write a post about their product or service.
  • Advertising -You can sell advertising space on your blog or use an advertising network to serve ads on your blog.
  • Selling products and services – You can sell products and services directly from your blog. This can be a great way to build an email list to market to your readers later.

One great way to make money blogging is by writing sponsored posts. It’s similar to doing regular content marketing, except that you get paid to write a post about a particular company or product. Sponsored posts can be a great way to make some extra money, but it’s important to be honest with your readers and disclose that the post is sponsored.

Another way to make money blogging is by selling advertising space on your blog. You can sell banner ads, text links, or skyscraper ads. Or, you could join an advertising network like Google Adsense or These networks will serve ads on your blog and share the revenue with you.

Ensure Your Blog is Successful

Creating a successful blog takes a lot of hard work and dedication. We’ve highlighted the key areas you need to focus on in this article, but to summarize those areas for you again:

  • Write quality content. This is the most important thing. If your readers don’t like your content, they won’t return.
  • SEO. Make sure you optimize your posts for search engines so people can find them.
  • Use social media to promote your content. Share links to your posts on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites.
  • Engage with your readers. Show that you care about their opinions and answer their comments.

Successful blogs will have a few things in common: 

  • They have a clear focus or niche.
  • They are well-written and interesting to read.
  • They are regularly updated with new content.
  • They attract a large audience of readers.
  • They are monetized through advertising, sponsorships, or affiliate marketing programs.
  • They have a social media presence and are active on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and other social networking sites.
  • They are well-branded and professionally designed.

Why Do Blogs Fail?

There are a few reasons why blogs fail. If a blog is started on a free blogging platform that doesn’t have the design capabilities, functionality, or web presence needed to attract readers, it will likely be harder to succeed. Examples of a blogging platform include: 

  • WordPress – by far the most popular blog platform
  • Tumblr
  • Blogspot
  • Sqaurespace
  • Wix

If the content is unfocused and random, with no clear niche or target audience, your blog has less of a chance for success. This makes it difficult for readers to know what they can expect from your blog, so they don’t stick around long enough to find out.

Ensure your content isn’t updated regularly. Websites are alive. The more fresh content you have the more traffic you will receive over time as that new content spreads through your community of followers and other social media channels. Search engines also rank websites higher when there is consistently new content being added.

If you don’t know who your target audience is, you won’t be able to describe what they can expect on your blog or why they should care about it. If potential visitors can’t tell at a glance what your blog is all about, they will move on to something more informative – like any of the millions of other blogs on the Internet.

Be sure that you often use keywords in both your article titles and body text while ignoring grammar rules and common sense. This will result in keyword-stuffed results that look unprofessional and are challenging to read, which means readers will leave before spending time digesting your content.


Starting a blog can be challenging but it is well worth the effort. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your blog stands out from the rest and attracts the attention of potential readers. And remember, the sky’s the limit when it comes to blog content, so be creative and have fun!

When starting a blog, it is crucial to think about what you want to achieve. Are you looking to share your thoughts and experiences with others, or do you want to use your blog as a platform to promote your business or products? Once you know what you want your blog to achieve, you can begin creating content that will interest and engage your readers. You’ll be a successful blogger in no time!

And don’t forget, it’s always quicker to buy a blog than start from scratch. 

    Manuela is the PR Manager at Flippa with a love for empowering entrepreneurs to take control of their financial freedom.

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