A domain name associated with a valuable keyword is available for acquisition. This domain, specifically concerning "TOBACCO.net," is currently open for ownership. Other popular domain extensions related to this keyword, such as .com, .org, .info, .us, .biz, .co, and .co.uk, have already been claimed and are not available.
The search statistics for this keyword highlight its potential value and market demand. For exact match searches of the keyword "tobacco," there are approximately 91,760 monthly searches, with an associated cost per click of $2.34 USD, and the ad competition is considered low. The data provided is noted to be recent, suggesting it is up-to-date and relevant.
In a broader context, for searches related to "tobacco" as a broader match, the monthly search volume significantly increases to 9,275,200. Despite this high search volume, the cost per click for broader matches drops to $0.11 USD, and the ad competition remains low. This data suggests that while there is significant interest and search volume surrounding the keyword, the competitive landscape for advertisements is not as intense, potentially indicating an opportunity for those looking to invest in this domain.
Overall, the availability of this particular domain name, coupled with substantial search interest and relatively low advertising competition, presents a potentially lucrative opportunity for interested parties in the digital space.