The Bounce Back
When it comes to building a business, Lana is no stranger to the setbacks faced by entrepreneurs. In this segment, Lara discusses her experiences and how humility played a big role in hiring the best people to be a part of her dream company.
As we all know, the pandemic has brought about an unprecedented change to businesses. Undoubtedly, travel, hotels, and event industries got hit the hardest due to COVID.
So what steps can you take when your business takes a hit?
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When it comes to setbacks faced by businesses, the best thing to do is to understand where your business can make cuts. Know where your best customers are in terms of profits. This means truly understanding what customers you cannot afford to lose. Consequently, it’s important to focus on spending on your best customers.
Next, ask yourself if your staff is working with you in terms of profitability.
For start-up owners, it’s important to put procedures and systems in place for your staff to ensure that they’re focusing on the right areas. Part of knowing if you’re getting the best out of your staff and customers is sales and profit analysis, which in turn drives profit priority.
Essentially, it all comes back to putting your customer at the center of everything you do, building a customer retention strategy, and continually analyzing your business to know what your customers are doing and where they’re interacting with your business both in sales and engagement.
Want to hear more from Lara? Listen to Lara on The Exit podcast here.
Get more advice and insights from Lara here.
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