Below you can find a list with information on 2 Private Equity Firms in Louisville . This blog post can help you identify Louisville Private Equity Firms and other participants active in the M&A market today.
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Blue Equity
Key facts about the firm:
Headquarter: Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Founded: 2004
Industry focus: Finance
Number of investments: 18
Number of exits: 4
Details about the fund:
An independent private equity firm called Blue Equity, LLC invests in businesses with excellent growth prospects.
Where to find them: Website
Lunsford Capital
Key facts about the firm:
Headquarter: Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Founded: 2000
Industry focus: Finance, Financial Services, Venture Capital
Number of investments: 14
Number of exits: 2
Details about the fund:
Investments by Lunsford Capital are made in a range of industries, including but not exclusive to real estate, technology, healthcare, and entertainment.
Where to find them: Website
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