Featured Listing: shesaid.com

Tell us a little about yourself. What’s your background? How did you start the business?

SheSaid was launched in 1999 and has been a trusted source of information for women on fashion, sex, beauty, travel, lifestyle, health, love and entertainment for over 20 years. The domain name is AMAZING. The 10000 pages of content are MASSIVE.

Is the asset on your listing owner-operated, how much time does it take to run the business, who else is needed on the team, and what is automated?

The business has nearly 10000 pages of content and has been run as a professionally managed site for over 20 years, within hundreds of contributors in that time. The business is a non-core asset of the owner, which is no longer required. The business was sold to the former editor in January 2019 for over USD$100K but returned to the original owner at the end of April 2020. This is a special opportunity as the business is currently in hibernation.

It has been dormant and had no new articles published since April 2020 — but has still earned revenues of $2,394.97 from May 2020 to April 2021 owing to the extensive legacy. In the previous twelve months, the site earned $7,314.91 in ad revenue. The owners have not optimised the site at all for revenue, and that is a massive waiting to be unlocked.

What does someone need to do to continue operating the business in its current form?

It really depends on what they want to do with it. It could be sold to a multinational company or a solo operator.

Can you list a few opportunities for a potential new owner to continue growing the business?

There is a quick win opportunity just to improve ad formats, reinstate Adsense, and turn on video ads. There is a MASSIVE opportunity to generate affiliate revenues in the keyword areas which this site organically trends: SEX STORIES, HOT SEX STORIES, HORNY STORIES, LOVE, FAKE TAN, SEX TOYS, ALCOHOL, MEN, RELATIONSHIPS
There is a big opportunity to translate the top 10 pages into various languages for multi-lingual revenue streams. There is a further opportunity for backlinking if that’s your thing.

What has been the evolution of this asset since its launch?

It has evolved over time to become a bit more STEAMY… 
As you can see from the top-ranking articles:

  • ~5 Real Life Sex Stories To Get You REALLY Turned On (22K views)
  • ~These Steamy Real-Life Sex Stories Will Make You Horny As Hell (12K views)
  • ~How To Make Him Fall In Love With You Again (4.7K views)
  • ~This Is How To Get Fake Tan Off Your Hands (4.1K views)
  • ~13 Extra-Boozy Cocktails Guaranteed To Get Everyone Drunk (3.8K views)
  • ~23 Ways Guys Hint They Like You Instead Of Just Saying It (3.2K views)
  • ~These Real-Life Threesome Sex Stories Will Get You Crazy Turned-On
  • ~14 Fun Drinking Games For Girls Night
  • ~Why Men Become Distant After Sex
  • ~How To Prevent Annoying Muscle Cramps During Sex
  • ~14 Best Sex Songs To Get You Horny AF
  • ~These Are The 19 Texts That Will Make Him Hard
  • ~17 Text Messages to Make Him Fall in Love (That Work)
  • ~6 Methods to Dealing With A Partner’s Horrible Ex
  • ~This Is Why A Spreader Bar Is Your New Toy
  • ~27 Songs That Make You Horny Every. Single. Time

How does this business make money? What are the current revenue streams?

It has been executed very poorly to date. There are big opportunities to improve.

What marketing channels are most profitable for the business?

At the moment, ads. But affiliate revenues could become massive. 

How does the business currently acquire customers and what is your breakdown for marketing costs?

You can spend as much or as little on this site as you like.  
I would say this is ‘blank canvas’ but really, it’s a canvas that gets 120K organic users a month with no marginal effort. It is a canvas that is ready for take-off.

How big is your current team? How many people does it take to run this business?

I am the attorney for the selling business, who has been asked to ensure it is sold. So currently there are zero people working on it, apart from me. 

What’s the reason for selling your business on Flippa?

The business is a non-core asset of the selling business.  

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