The process of auctioning a website on Flippa doesn’t end when the countdown hits zero. There is still work to be done out for the courtesy of your buyer. Selling the website isn’t like selling a car where you sign over a title, hand over the keys, and wave them on their way out of the lot.
As a seller you should see the value in placing the additional effort in offering customer service after the sale (this is called after sale support). By providing additional aid in the transition of the website in areas such as the actual transfer, guidance with content and strategy, and community outreach you will successfully complete the transaction like a true business professional.
This commitment to after sale support may even become one of your main selling points during the listing which will help you avoid bad customer service during the auction.
The topic of this article is to explain the importance of after sale support. It will also give you a variety of strategies (and ideas) for creating a seamless transition for the new owner. In the end you’ll also learn why it’s such an important part of the process (and how it can potentially generate you additional income well past the time of the auction).
Why Offer Support after the Sale
Place yourself in the shoes of an individual that have won their first auction:
They have concerns whether the stats and revenue will remain constant
They have concerns about whether the community will accept the new ownership
They have concerns whether they should attempt new strategies
The buyer’s concerns are quite extensive if this is their first time (the same can be true for those experienced because it’s still a leap of faith when playing the flipping game).
Offering after sales support helps alleviate these concerns. It removes the feeling of buyer’s remorse. It shows that you are offering your guidance and knowledge of the website to allow a seamless transition in hopes that their success will be on par (or excel) beyond the work you have done.
After Sales Support Strategies
Information, resources, knowledge, and notes will become the main assets that will allow you to provide superb customer service after the sale.
To give you an idea of what’s possible – here are hypothetical scenarios and strategies to learn from:
Give them the Honeypot – Throughout the time of building the website you’ve sold you would have inevitably taken notes. Within these notes and metrics are items which the new owner could use to get a greater understanding behind the decisions of the website. The more they know about the how and why the better chances they will have at assimilating their work methodology into the new website (and project).
Get them a Meet and Greet – One of the most jarring moments of switching ownership of a website is when the new owner suddenly introduces themselves to the community. This has the ability to turn many loyal readers away because they are uncertain of the sites’ future. To ease this resistance it would be worthwhile that you help build a connection between your most loyal, vocal community members with the new owner. Have a round table discussion where the new owners can absorb their feedback and suggestions which can increase the appeal of the new ownership.
Show them Your Failures – A new site owner will come with their own bag of tricks. It’s likely they will want to try strategies they see viable to grow the website. You may have information pertaining to some of these same strategies. Reveal your failures to the new owner. Tell them the strategies you’ve tried but couldn’t get to work. They may see it as an opportunity to avoid another costly mistake or use their skills and expertise to pick up where you lagged behind.
Suggest a Temporary, Ongoing Position – You should have handed over your content strategy and schedule to the new owner after the auction. One way to sweeten the deal (which can be used as a selling point) is offering a temporary, ongoing position as a content producer. You could remain on staff to produce a post on occasion which will help keep the sites momentum and ease the transition from old owner to new.
The Big Payoff
Ultimately you may be wondering why put so much effort into providing after sale support. You could have easily jumped right into the next project and began building a new website to flip.
There is a big payoff.
As mentioned throughout this article – there are times when offering additional support may be used as an additional selling point within your auction listings. By providing a free service to aid the new owner in the transition you break down the conflicts they may have with purchasing your website.
Likewise, you will begin to build a reputation.
All smart business owners keep a list of customers and so should you. These connections you make with the new site owners may, in due time, present new opportunities for your business.
These opportunities may include:
Repeat sales from a particular individuals that are mavericks of your work
An increase in your reputation and rating which builds trust within the community
Coverage on major blogs and websites about your success
Using your gift in customer service to provide training to other Flippa users
Think about what you offer next time you’re listing a website on Flippa. Think beyond the data, copy, graphics, and proof. Think about what you can offer outside of the sale. What others rarely strive to commit. Provide spectacular post sale support and you will find success in website flipping time and time again.
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