High-quality 600 bags are drop shipped from Cj, selling organically with Google Merchant Centre & Shop Pay. Descriptions &100 blog posts were human-written.
The e-commerce store, anonymized here, presents a lucrative opportunity for potential buyers. With a carefully curated collection of 600 high-quality bags, the store is optimized for visibility and efficiency, boasting 100% on-page and technical SEO. This foundation facilitates easy search engine visibility and organic sales through platforms like a major Merchant Center, Shop Pay, and a video-based shop platform.
Despite lacking off-page SEO, organic sales are currently generated, and over 100 handcrafted blog posts are queued for future publication, poised to further drive traffic. The e-commerce business is transitioning to the wholesale apparel market, utilizing its in-house production capacity. As such, they are seeking a buyer to continue pushing the existing e-commerce venture forward.
The opportunity boasts several key features: high-quality products and comprehensive SEO setups are already in place, ensuring optimized search visibility and efficiency. Sales channels are ready, with no account suspensions, enabling seamless transactions across various platforms. Future growth potential is significant, especially with additional investment in off-page SEO.
Moreover, the low ongoing costs and existing organic sales channels, which operate without paid advertising, offer a scalable and profitable opportunity for an interested party. This is a turnkey solution for those aiming to scale rapidly, with the potential to transform this store into a substantial business empire within weeks or months. The store represents a ready-to-go investment with minimal overhead, offering a path to future success.
I'm a digital assets seller. I currently have a Shopify store, a multi-niche website, a...
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1. Look for verified sellers. Sellers should verify their email, phone, and government ID. When a seller has completed all verifications, we identify them with a checkmark like this:
2. Review financials. Financials are seller-provided inputs. Always ask for verified financials. Ask for a tax return or request access to their dashboard. if it’s an ecommerce store get a transaction report.
3. Review traffic. Sellers can grant you access to Google Analytics. Ask for read-only access to verify site traffic.
4. Schedule a call. Communication is key. The best way to find out more is to speak directly with the seller. For your protection, keep all communication within Flippa.
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